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11.06.24 | 16:12
The Ministry of Economy presented 95 investment projects worth over $27 billion during the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2...

10.06.24 | 12:24
Government launches the Reforms Matrix for analysis and coordination of agreements with international partner: Yuliia Sv...

10.06.24 | 12:20
Ukraine will work with partners to ensure that Ukraine Facility funds can be mobilised faster for energy recovery: Oleks...

07.06.24 | 15:59
State stimulation of the creation and operation of industrial parks: a new procedure has been approved


23.04.24 | 14:28
Announcement of competitive selection for the position of an independent member of the Supervisory Board of the Private ...

23.02.24 | 18:50
National Energy and Climate Plan of Ukraine 2025-2030

05.02.24 | 09:16
Announcement of the selection for the position of an independent member of the supervisory board of the joint stock comp...

11.12.23 | 11:45
Notice of Announcement of the Competitive Selection of a Management Company for Podilsk Industrial Park

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Ministry of Economy of Ukraine 01008, Ukraine, Kiyv city,
Grushevsky str., 12/2