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Isolation of russia is an integral part of our future victory – Yuliia Svyrydenko during a meeting with the US Ambassador to Ukraine

Юлія Свириденко під час зустрічі з Послом США в Україні

Issues of increasing sanctions pressure against the aggressor state and supporting the private sector during recovery were among the main issues during the meeting of First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Minister of Economy of Ukraine Yuliia Svyrydenko and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United States to Ukraine Bridget Brink.

“Ukraine is grateful to the United States for its important role in the implementation of sanctions against russia and the coordination of the international sanctions policy against the aggressor. We are convinced that sanctions pressure on russia and its isolation are an integral part of our future victory. Therefore, we have to strengthen them until the terrorist state completely loses its ability to continue to wage an aggressive war,” Yuliia Svyrydenko said.

As First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine emphasized, one of the key tasks today is the destruction of the capabilities of the russian military-industrial complex to manufacture weapons, especially high-tech ones. Ukraine is hit almost daily by russian missiles containing, in particular, components of non-russian origin. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to strengthen the work aimed at preventing the circumvention of sanctions.

The restoration of the country was another important topic of the meeting. It was about the issue of attracting private investment, which is necessary to support the economy of Ukraine, as well as for the rapid recovery of the country in the post-war period. First of all, expanding cooperation in the field of war risk insurance and attracting financing to increase the capabilities of the national Export Credit Agency were discussed.

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